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A Bridge For All Who Seek The Light

In a generation where a great chasm exists between God and men, our vision is to help bridge the gap and reconnect everyone to The Christ within.

Only One Teacher

My name is El-Shakar, and i’m your brother, friend, and guide here at Heavens Gate. We believe that there is only One Teacher, and He is The Christ.

Like you, I am also a sheep following the shepherd. Whatever he shares with me is what I in turn share with you. I can guide you only as far as I have been guided.

As a student myself, I am a strong believer in questions. Question everything you learn here, be a Berean. Do your own research, contemplation, and come to your own experienced understanding of the one truth.

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Light is Here

This community is dedicated to all who are seeking to become immersed in the great river of the Spirit.

Like Simon of Cyrene, the immortal Father often sends helpers our way to make the journey bearable, as we each take up our cross.

Remember, before the birth of the new, comes the death of the old. We must first let go before we can grab on.

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It Takes Faith to Let Go.
Are You Ready?

Prepare to be stretched and have your understanding challenged. There is always something to learn and unlearn about our Father.

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